Sutton Hill Church meets in a modern, versatile building where worship and fellowship have been enjoyed since 1966 when the church was built and is currently undergoing refurbishment. The Telford New Town Development Corporation built much of the housing in the 1960's but there is also a wide variety of private developments. Re-development of the centre of the estate has taken place over the last few years, but much improvement and support is still needed to meet the challenges of the estate.
Sutton Hill Church is situated at the heart of the community of Sutton Hill estate, next to the supermarket, the Hub on The Hill, a community trust run centre and Sir Alexander Fleming Primary School. The distinctive stone outside the church bears witness that the church was here at the very start of the building of this community and is a witness to the presence of God's people at the very heart of the community.
The church building consists of a chapel, which seats up to 100, a coffee bar area, a large meeting room and a small committee room. The versatile seating arrangement has enabled it to be used for Alpha courses, Parish social events, such as Harvest Supper, Agape Supper in Holy Week and Parish meetings. The church is also regularly used by the local community.
Sutton Hill Church has an ecumenical tradition beginning life as a Anglican / Methodist Local Ecumenical Project but the Church of England currently is the only participating denomination. Worship is joyful and is based on Common Worship and many members of the congregation participate by leading services, reading and leading intercessions. The ministry of healing forms a natural part of the life of the church. The vision of the church is to continue to develop intergenerational participation of the church both in worship and service to the community. This vision is supported by the Intergenerational Missioner as part of the continuing project across Hereford Diocese. Some 25 adults and 5 - 10 children meet for worship on a Sunday morning, as well as a monthly Messy Church and a holiday and festival Muddy Church. The church also hosts the 7YC (the Severn Link Youth Church) each Sunday afternoon where all young people from year 7 upwards meet.
All are welcome.